School Ethos and Values


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School Ethos

Amberley School is a welcoming Christian place of learning where everyone feels valued.

Within the context of Christian belief and practice, Amberley C.E. Primary School is welcoming, caring and an inclusive village school that serves its community by providing an education of the highest quality.  The school has developed and preserved its religious character since its foundation.  Collective worship is a focal point in our daily routine, providing opportunities for the spiritual development of both pupils and staff of all beliefs.

We are committed to working in partnership with parents, governors, church and local communities, to enable pupils to develop a lifelong passion for learning.  We aim to achieve the highest standards by providing supportive environments where pupils are valued and can develop the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes needed to lead a fulfilling life, today and in the future.  The aspiration for all our pupils is that they will become confident, secure, caring individuals who achieve personal success and develop a love of learning.


Mission Statement:

Enabling every child to thrive and succeed.


Our mission is to:

  • Provide a warm, welcoming and secure environment for all pupils.
  • Encourage, value and extend every pupil’s contribution to their school.
  • Recognise and celebrate success in everyone.
  • Provide a broad, balanced and carefully planned curriculum that is stimulating and challenging, and aimed at fulfilling each pupil’s full potential.
  • Build strong collaborative partnerships with families and local communities.
  • Encourage and enable the continuous professional development of all staff.


Our Aims are:

EXCELLENCE: We aim for excellence in everything we do.

NURTURE: We nurture all children and staff within a safe and secure learning environment.

ACHIEVEMENT: We challenge and support everyone to progress and 4 their very best.

BELIEF: We encourage everyone to believe in themselves and others.

LEARNING: We provide rich and varied learning experiences to develop the whole child.

EQUALITY: We welcome and value everyone, and celebrate diversity. 

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