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The Arts
The Arts
At Amberley School we believe that the Arts make a vital contribution to the education of the whole child, both as subjects to be learnt and enjoyed in their own right and because they encourage and enrich learning in other subjects.
In our school:
- Art and design are taught in all classes
- Art is used in many other subjects and we are proud of the standards achieved by the school.
- Drama is used in the curriculum to explore many subjects such as literacy and history.
- Dance is part of the PE curriculum and is also used to enhance other areas of the curriculum.
- We take part in the West Sussex Dance Time event in the Spring Term
- We have a whole school production each Autumn term which gives all our children a chance to perform in public.
- We take part in the Arun Choral Society Carol Concert in Arundel Cathedral every two years.
- We have singing each week and learn a range of hymns and songs together.
- Music is taught weekly to all classes.
- If children are interested in other instruments please contact the West Sussex Music Service as they provide peripatetic music teachers for a range of instruments and these lessons are also within school hours.
- We take the children to a music concert in the Spring Term to expose them to a range of live orchestral music.
- We have an arts week in the Spring Term.
- We completed a project with an Artist Blacksmith and now have a fantastic Tree of Life sculpture.