At Arun Villages Federation, we care for EVERYONE. We embrace challenges and all opportunities to learn, recognising the value of education and persevering even when it feels difficult.
We are uncompromising in our aspirations, proud of our - and each other's - achievements and look forward to embracing the experiences the wider world offers.
Mr. Armitage Maple Class Blog:
Our latest learning!

Welcome to Maple Class - Years 3 and 4
Mr. Armitage-Maple Year 3/4 Class Teacher and Computing/Maths Manager.
Proverbs 23:12 Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.

Who teaches us?
Maple Class Teacher: Mr. Armitage
Maple Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Philpot,
Maple Class Teaching Assistants: Miss Kinnane.
What are we learning this term?
Please find attached the Autumn Term 2022 Curriculum Overview.
Please find attached the Spring Term 2023 Curriculum Overview.
Please find attached the Summer Term 2023 Curriculum Overview.
Please find attached the Autumn Term 2023 Curriculum Overview.
Please find attached the Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Overview.
Please find attached the Summer Term 2024 Curriculum Overview.
Please find attached the Autumn Term 2024 Curriculum Overview.
Please find attached the Spring Term 2025 Curriculum Overview.
Mayan Non-Chronological Report Writing 3.10.24
Mr. Ullson, "The History Man" visits Maple Class 23.9.24 The Mayans.
Maple Class Trip to Brighton and Hove Art Museum 23.2.24
Maple Class Computing Work Spring Term 2024.
We are supporting Internet Safety Day, 2024.
We are getting to know each other using Teamwork!
Summer Term 2 2023: New Maple Class learning...Amazing Amazon.
Summer Term 1 2023: The start of some new learning...Tudor Times.
Spring Term 2023: The start of some new learning...It's as Cold as Ice!
We love Scratch! Coding for movement and sound...
Our Computing experts programming a floor robot!
Our R.E. "Prodigal Son" boxes proudly displayed in our Reflection area:
Our lovely leaves observational drawings:
Our R.E. posters-linked to the Bible story of the Prodigal Son:
Our fantastic Non-Chronological Reports on our 1066 learning:
What does our classroom look like?
How we are helping the wider community and world!
As part of our work with the wider community and world, Maple Class have adopted via the WWF, the elegant and elusive Snow Leopard. The elegant and well-camouflaged snow leopard is one of the world’s most elusive cats. Thinly spread across 12 countries in central Asia, it’s at home in high, rugged mountain landscapes. But habitat deterioration, habitat loss, poaching and climate change are now threatening their survival. Snow leopards are top predators in their environment, and their prey include mountain sheep and goats. Without the snow leopard, the ecological balance would be disrupted. By protecting the rare snow leopard we’re also helping to protect its whole environment! Keep your eye open for any fundraising events throughout the year.
Photo: UNDP
Useful links for learning!
Please be safe when online and always go online with an adult present. These links were teacher tested.
Audible Amazon audio books for kids FOR FREE
BBC Bitesize Learning clips and tutorials on a wide range of topics for children
Blockly Fun and free computer programming games
Crash Course Kids Science videos on a range of topics
Crickweb Free online educational resources and games in all subjects for all ages.
DK Find Out! Great resource for a wide range of information in all areas of the curriculum
Duolingo Sign up and learn a language for free!
Educational videos Over 4300 videos linked to science, music, art and much more!
Kids Learning Tube Songs and videos which are great for learning!
Khan Academy Sign up to access practical exercises and instructional videos in all subjects
Libraries NI Access to free e-books and magazines
Literacy Shed Video stimuli for writing
Literactive Literacy games, activities and e-books for P1-P3 children
Maths Chase A fast moving game to help consolidate mathematical skills, eg-tables
National Geographic - Kids Activities and quizzes for all children
Nature Detectives Fun nature activities for the garden!
Oxford Owl Access to a range of free e-books
Primary Resources A wide range of PowerPoints and worksheets for all areas of the curriculum and all ages
Primary Homework Help Lots of Literacy and Numeracy activities but also great for topic work and World Around Us!
Red Ted Art Art and craft activities
Starfall English and Maths activities for pupils
Topmarks Free educational games and resources for all subjects and all ages
World Geography Geography games