Curriculum - Subject Overviews
Our curriculum is firmly rooted in the vision of the AVF Vision. We recognise that children are at the heart of everything we do and that the foundation put in place during the primary school years is vital to them becoming well-balanced, responsible and happy citizens in 21st-century society. Our aim is to enable every child to thrive and succeed, which not only means providing a curriculum that has strong academic learning embedded but also ensuring that it builds a secure emotional intelligence and resilience alongside developing an enduring and deeply-rooted understanding of the wonderful culturally diverse world in which we live.
For most subjects, a curriculum overview has been developed across a two-year cycle, there are exceptions, for example, Maths, where the overview remains the same each year.
Due to the challenges faced by small schools in how the classes are structured each year, the curriculum for each subject is reviewed annually to ensure children do not repeat the learning and are able to build previous learning.
Please click on the links below to see a curriculum overview for each subject:
MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)